Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Swept away once again by their imagination. Eli is caught, trapped in the kitchen, calling for help. Emelia yells to him "I said a prayer so you could get out!" And lo and behold Eli grew wings and flew away.

Happy Mother's Day to all of the Mothers, Grandmothers, near and far, here and gone, long time and those anxiously awaiting that moment.

This long line of mothers that we have before us.
The connection that we have to all beings.
Complete selflessness.
Smiles and hugs.
New discoveries.
Discovering new freedoms.
A love greater than love itself.
Miracle after miracle forever and always.
So Lucky.
So Grateful.

Gratitude to creation for being part of the flow, the endless line of birth, love and FAMILY.

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