After Gathering of the Raw Foodies, the kids and I began our two weeks of vacation madness!

Monday morning we loaded up the car and hit the road, sans Dad. While Steve embarked on his fourth week of a six week Yoga Teacher Training, we journeyed northward to our annual vacation destination.
Santa's Village, and the festivities at Loon Mountain Filled our days. And I was fortunate to have some special bonding time with my mother and sister-in-laws which doesn't happen enough.
We headed back home to unpack, nourish the yogis in the teacher training with a raw food spread (complete with an Irish moss mousse, of course!) and then we were off again!

This time to Sleepy Hollow, NY, to visit our best friends. We explored, played on the farm and I got some Sister time, which I desperately needed.
After 11 days of non-stop activity, Mom declared the rest of the week would be mandatory days of rest. Minimal chores, no school work, and car rides only if necessary.
The next 5 days were incredible R&R; yoga classes, a farm visit and a child-free double date with My Mom and Step-Dad. This was all intertwined with intense outbursts, insane messes and numerous tantrums (Yes, myself included :-) as we settled back into home life.

I woke this morning at 5am to settle back into my mama routine, meditation, mama yoga followed by kid's yoga and green juice. Irish Moss mousse is setting for snack and dinner is marinating.

The kids are finishing up some quiet work while mama processes just how important it is to get away, have fun, enjoy friends and family. It is just as important to take that time, as much as needed, and LET GO. To be in the moment and honor the rest that we ALL deserve.

Now off to prepare for our most exciting, student chosen, unit on India. TOTALLY digging this unschooling thing!

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