A peek at our family's journey through homeschooling, raw food and living life.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Twelfth Night: Our First Venture into the Theatre
Since December 26th we have been on a fast riding coaster in preparation for one of the most amazing performances I have ever seen. We were honored to take part in a Celebration of Twelfth Night , a local performance that has been part of the fabric of our community for the last 30 plus years. Well, only the older ones were part of the play, while us parents did the driving back and forth (two and three rehearsals a day are what brings this masterpiece to fruition!) And the babe was corralled for many hours in the basement of the Hall.
Our "Crown Kid" delivered a crown to the evening's King and Queen, chosen randomly from the audience, they were the lucky recipients, finding a the hidden pea in their piece of cake, which was handed out by the "cake kids" during the performance.
Our "Earth Elemental" guided children through the forest and danced a marvelous garland dance for the Twelfth Night Celebration.
The performance was spectacular!
And the cast party was a perfect end to a memorable two weeks for the children.
And the next morning (after a bedtime of MIDNIGHT!!!) We all slept in, Dad went into work a bit late and we celebrated with a scrumptious breakfast at our favorite local eatery.
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