We settle in for our long winter's hermitage, in this little state that doesn't quite have a true winter, but definitely experiences cold, wet and windy for many months of the year.

We are
home bound more often then a four and six year old might like, as keeping cosy with our babe seems more comforting, more grounding. This is a very difficult transition for me, I have always been on the go, activities, movement. With the addition of Willow to our family, a gentle flow happens, much easier, when we stay home. The kids are happy with their backyard "frosty",
climbing through the skeletons in the garden that never quite got put to

bed this year, as we had more exciting fruits to harvest this past
September. Being in our little home, seems stifling, so much clutter, so little space for 7 bodies. I have so much creative energy
vortexing within my being. So many ideas, so much excitement. Our days are lengthening, bringing more light energy into our daily routine. This is a time of transition. Alas, it is time for serious movement within my home. Creating a flow to release this energy into positivity, transformation.
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