A peaceful spring intention walk.
As my son just informed me, spring has officially been here for four hours. And yes, they've actually been as glorious as I was hoping for. It is just about 5 o'clock, the sun is shining, fluffy white clouds are scattered in the sky and it is 53 degrees out. We spent a wonderful day with friends exploring at a labyrinth, setting intentions and releasing them into the new season.Spring is a time for detox and cleansing. Are you feeling it yet? I'm itching to purge the house, scrub the floors, drink green juice, dive into a cleanse.
I'm sure that you've noticed that an influx on sickness happens in the spring and in the fall. These are the seasons that encourage our bodies to release toxins. While our immune system is busy working to release the junk in our bodies, it manifests in the colds that we tend to associate with this time of the year. If we do a bit of work to aid in the detoxification, do a cleanse, bring more alkalinizing food into our diet, drink green juice, exercise, rest, up our water intake, we cut back on the time that our body needs to detox and repair through inflammation, runny noses, diarrhea, and vomiting. Think about it, these are all ways to get the nastiness out. What are you willing to do to help your body spring clean? Head on over to my Facebook page and let me know what you are committing to do for your body this spring.
Our Spring Offerings at the labyrinth.
This afternoon I needed a power boost, I knew protein, spirulina and maca were my combo. I've strayed away quite a bitfrom using much for sweeteners in my smoothies. Sometimes, however, you just have to do it. I'm having a hard time adding spirulina back into my diet, I know it is so good for me, high in digestible protein, and so many micronutrients and great for the spring detox, so I cheated a bit, but got a full tablespoon down with the love of some local honey and a banana. Surprisingly, it was really enjoyable, so I thought I'd share. Let me know what you think.
Green Banana
Recipe Type: Smoothie
Cuisine: Raw Food
Prep time:
Total time:
Total time:
Serves: 1
- 2 C of Your Favorite Milk (I love almond~coconut)
- 1 Tbsp Maca
- 1/2 - 1 Tbsp Spirulina
- 1 Scoop of your favorite protein powder
- 1 Banana
- 1 tsp honey
- 2 Capsules Alphay's Medicinal Mushroom Balance Formula.
- Add ingredients to blender and blend until smooth.
- And Enjoy